First, let's discuss fundraising so that you can understand the basics. What is fundraising? Simply put, it's a way to raise money for a cause, charity, or organization. It's also known as fundraising for nonprofits and is used to raise money for good causes. It can be done by individuals, groups of people (like friends), schools and universities, businesses and corporations, and even governments. Now that you know what fundraising is let's discuss how to make it profitable for your nonprofit or organization. Whether you're a nonprofit or charitable organization, you can do fundraising in a number of ways. Many people think that the only way to raise money for nonprofit organizations is through donations and grants, but this isn't true! There are plenty of other methods you can use as well, like volunteering at local events or even selling things online. Like you can do a Tide laundry detergent Fundraiser and sell Tide laundry detergent to friends and family....